- The Admin Office, huh? Where's that? 管理员办公室?什么地方啊?
- Doc says the Admin Office Is through the Krauts' mess hall...? 博士说要去管理者办公室要经过德国人的餐厅大厅?
- The Doc don't know nothing. I bet I could get Into the Admin Office without going anywhere near that mess hall. 博士不是什么都不知道的,我打赌我可以不用从餐厅大厅那边就可以到管理者办公室。
- He was going through the Prisoner Mess Hall. Guess he was headed for the Admin Office. 他走向囚犯餐厅大厅。我猜他去管理者办公室去了。
- Ah yes. I'm told he's off to the Russian front, the poor fellow. He's probably In the Admin Office now, collecting his papers. 啊,有的。我告诉他他要被调去俄罗斯前线了,笨蛋家伙。他现在大概在管理员办公室里面吧,找他的文件。
- And the Admin Office Is..? 管理者办公室是...?
- Could too. There's a door at the end of the kitchen corridor, goes right Into the Krauts' courtyard. Then the Admin Office Is right at the top of the steps. Piece of cake, If It wasn't for the fact you need to force It open. 也可以。在厨房走廊的尽头有个门,可以到德国佬那边的广场。管理者办公室就在最后面。简单至极,只要省略掉你得硬把门打开这一段。
- The admin people have send the report back. 行政管理人员已发还了这项报告。
- Please set blog path in the admin center! 在管理中心加链接??
- The Admin user account (to activate the Logon dialog box). “管理员”用户帐户(激活“登录”对话框)。
- June Barrett will be there as well, to look after the admin. 琼?巴雷特也将在那儿处理行政事务。
- The admin is updating now,please go on downloading later! 管理员正在更新,请稍候继续下载!
- Have you created the new gateway profile in the admin console? 您在管理主控台是否已經建立新的閘道設定檔?
- Currently, you have to be logged in as the admin user to add new user accounts. 添加新用户很容易。
- Now view your page by clicking View Site at the top of the Admin panel. 现在在管理面板的上面,点击访问站点访问你的网页。
- This is how the admin fetches the translation catalog from the server. 翻译:这就是管理页面如何从服务器获取翻译目录。
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他办公室外的街上被枪杀。
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- Located in Room A1-A22 are QC laboratory, R &D Lab, Admin offices, Canteen, and other rooms for plant support utilities. 在A1-A22室内分别设有质控实验室、研发实验室、行政办公室、餐厅、以及其他工厂支持性的公用设施。